Sunday 18 September 2011

Prolife Gender Privilege: How Feminism Poisons Everything

There seems to be a tacit surrender to feminist argumentation amongst many female Prolife advocates. Or perhaps it is intellectual desperation to get Feminists on board the Prolife side. Either way, it is a betrayal of the dignity of the human person to engage or validate a slogan such as the one above. Although Prolifers are generally very pro family, it becomes very apparent how many female Prolifers will close ranks with the feminist "Sisterhood" when it comes to a man's input in the discussion of the reproductive act. The misandry imbibed by Prolife women in the Postfeminist culture is clearly evident in the discourse I had just recently of Facebook regarding the posting of this image. Indeed, push come to shove, they will take our money, celebrate our attendance at protests and protection against intimidation at those protests; but when it gets down to who really calls the shots in reproduction... men can keep their mouths shut! Now I have to make the obligatory caveat that "not all Prolife women are like that", but enough are to have me post this discourse. I understand that this person is sincere and arguing based on what a Feminist would say, but look at the quick allegiance to what sex is a priority in all of the discourse. The intrinsic value of boys or the input of men is not even affirmed in passing. Only the importance of Women and the privilege of their position in the discourse is asserted. i leave you to make your own observations from the discourse bellow.

Kyle- I think I find this offensive because it buys into the feminist idea that somehow females are of more value than males... that is to say, unborn girls deserve priority over unborn boys...

Kristi- ‎Kyle, the reason why such a saying exists is because all the pro-choicers believe in "Women's Rights"!! So, this statement is saying: What about the rights of the UNBORN women?

Kyle- I understand, however it still buys into the feminist conception of female privilege. If anything, aborting children is the only issue that feminists really do believe in gender equality... either way, this sets up a priority list for who shall be saved from abortion and boys are at the bottom of that list. Abortion is human rights issue, not a gender issue. This slogan is a big step in the wrong direction!

Kristi- ‎Kyle, I disagree with you because abortion is never viewed as a "Man's Right". Men can never have children. It's all about the women, in this case.

Kyle- I beg your pardon? Men have children all the time. In fact I have two myself. Again, abortion is a HUMAN RIGHTS issue, not a gender issue. This splitting of the child bearing act is what got abortion legalized to begin with. This is why Mens Rights Activists are now demanding that men be able to legally FORCE women to abort children Men don't want because the child is half theirs! BOTH these positions are erronious and false because it is irrelevant who is bearing the child, who made the child and or who wants the child. The HUMAN Child is the Subject of discussion, not gender privilige.

Kristi- ‎Kyle, my mistake, sorry. I mean to say that men cannot conceive children and carry them for 9 months. Only women can.

Kyle- Even if that is true, this does not validate the argument, nor does it pay to buy into the ideological framework that forms it. For it still presumes "unborn women" are of primary importance in the antiabortion issue. What if girls were not the majority of aborted children? Are we to now accept the argument that we must reduce the number of female abortions so as to stop the fetal oppression of women? you see, we are no longer discussing the dignity of Human Life, but on which sex is more more worthy of consideration and concern. This is the nature of Feminist argumentation and why we must not even rhetorically buy into it to score cheap points in abortion exchanges.

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